Town Yard Waste Pick-Up Weeks Announced; Here’s What You Need To Know


Farmingville – The Town of Brookhaven’s yard waste pick-up weeks are November 6-12 and November 13-19. Please remember to have all your bundled and bagged yard waste left curbside separate from your regular trash by Sunday evening.  If you have any questions, please call 451-TOWN.

For brush, branches, twigs, small tree trunks, wood chips, and hedge clippings: prepare by securely bundling and bagging in 32 gallon garbage cans, lids removed (bundles preferred). Bundles must be no larger than 4’x2’x2′ and weigh no more than 50lbs.

Not accepted: any large branches (over 6″ in diameter and 4‘ in length), logs or stumps; brush may not protrude above rims of container, no dirt or leaves, no artificial trees or wreaths.

For leaves, acorns, weeds, thatch, hay, pine cones and needles, non-woody and dead plants: prepare by bagging them, exceeding no more than 50lbs in weight.

 Not accepted: grass clippings, logs or stumps, dirt.
Grass clippings are never accepted by the Town for pickup. They may be brought to the Manorville Compost Facility for free. Large branches, logs, trees, or stumps can be brought to the Town landfill for free.


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